Today is December 1st, 2022
I wanted my work to be easier for visitors to access, so I made these buttons to streamline my newest and most relevant articles! In addition to updating this list weekly, I plan on sharing my thoughts on various topics here in news posts. It might be useful to think of this as a journal or blog, where I'll talk about whatever's going on in my life or in my head if its interesting enough.
So, since this is the first post of its kind, I suppose introductions are in order! My name is Eric Edward McCutcheon, but I prefer being called by my last name online. I am a heterosexual caucasian man who works for the Southgate Recreation and Parks district in parks maintenance. So, that means that during the day I do a lot of simple physical work outdoors like mowing, blowing leaves, cutting weeds, or even replacing trash bags in cans. Its pretty mundane stuff most of the time, although from time to time we'll encounter an interesting pedestrian or exotic animal.
When I get home from work, I usually either play computer games or make art. I don't get commissioned often which is fine by me, since I believe art is something that should be seen, spread, and enjoyed without the hassle of monetization. Whenever someone does buy a commission from me, I make sure they're paying for the satisfaction of a high quality piece of art made specifically for them! I don't want to think my clients are just paying for a finished product or for the time it takes to make it.
I'll save my thoughts on memetics and my obligation to make high quality art for another time, however. I'd love to know what you think about these buttons and about any of my art! Thank you very much for reading all of this, and I'll see you next time.
e.e. McCutcheon
Today's number is 9 (Nine)
Cool, a McCutcheon's Main Menu.
Jokes apart, that's very cool! I tried it, and it works no problem.