Today is December 25th, 2022
Happy holidays! Making art is how I like to celebrate the holidays.
...Of course, I like to make art all the time, so the good times never really end! Hopefully my art can help other people when they feel lonely or sad. My family and I are fine, I'm just not the best at big, show off-y "festive" stuff.
I'm not doing a holiday themed Amazing Alligator picture like I did last year because it would be released too close to a serious moment which is coming soon for Theodore in his story.
Here's the Christmas piece from last year if you still want to see a cute alligator picture!
Oh, also check out the piece @ThePaintHuffer made as my secret santa!
I've been getting my numbers from David Lynch, but he's stopped picking the number for now. So, I'll pick a card from the tarot instead!
Have a happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, and New Year everyone!
e.e. McCutcheon
Today's card is Cups IV