Today is January 15th, 2023
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day tomorrow! Earlier this week, I set up Gamecube netplay with my buddy Esai to test it out, and it worked! of course, my lackluster internet made it a bit laggy. I know I was born in the tail end of the 90's and I grew up with technology so it shouldn't impress me; but connecting with people online? Its just like real-life magic! I know it sounds silly, but- ah, I don't know. I'm just feeling good.
My Tough Bippy fanart was frontpaged! This is the first time I've had anything of mine get frontpaged before, so I'm over the moon right now! To my new followers, welcome! I hope you like my art, because I make it for you! I hope my work can feature again soon!
On a more somber note, we're reaching the sad part of Theodore's "Road Trip" arc. For anyone who hasn't read through The Amazing Alligator of Country A yet, you can click on the green playlist button at the top of this news post to get caught up. No spoilers, but rest assured I do have a happy ending prepared for this arc. So stay strong and stick with Theodore, even if things seem sad!
Thanks again for everything! Next, I'll be making my pixel art tutorial and revising my commissions sheet before getting back to other pieces of fanart and new Character Design Exercises. Busy, busy!
e.e. McCutcheon
Today's card is The Queen of Cups